Friday, October 3, 2008

Forbes 400--Steve Jobs Questionable

Bill Gates is the richest American, again. He is currently worth $57 billion. Many were speculating that Warren Buffet would would take the top spot this year, but he didn't. Buffet is worth $50 billion after shares of Berkshire Hathaway fell 15 percent since February.

But don't mistake this for a competition: Gates donates 38 percent of his income ($35 billion) and Buffet gives 11 percent of his income ($6 billion) to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Surprisingly, for the second consecutive year Steve Jobs has given $0 to charitable organizations.Forbes reports that Jobs has not filed any 990 forms. He is currently worth $5.7 billion.

I realize that Jobs doesn't have to relinquish a dime out of his precious piggy bank to philanthropic organizations, but I do wonder why priced the iPhone so high. I wonder why he had to issue rebates to millions of customers.

Read the Forbes "Club Generosity" list HERE.

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