The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Alicia Keys | ||||
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind (Part II) Broken Down | ||||
How do you workout your brain? How do you create a new angle of thinking? I will post things and ideas that I think are interesting and can SPARK new ideas. Thanks
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Alicia Keys | |||| | ||||
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind (Part II) Broken Down | |||| | ||||
Michael Jackson, who has been a staple in American society ever since the early 1970s, passed away suddenly on June 25, 2009. His unexpected death left many with the question why? The fascination with Jackson’s life even followed him in death. People around the globe wanted to know how the King of Pop died. Death under any circumstances can be very hard to process, but Jackson’s death was definitely premature. Ideas and rumors quickly spread on the Internet because the public wanted to know if his death had been a suicide or a homicide.
In the wake of Jackson’s death, the media could not help but speak of his troubled past. The news of Jackson’s death was followed by a reminder of his idiosyncrasies in life. The New York Times referred to Jackson as the “Peter Pan of pop music” (Barnes June 26, 2009). Jackson was portrayed as an eccentric, Peter Pan wanna-be, plastic surgery getting, baby dangling possible child molester. As more was learned about the events surrounding Jackson’s death, his personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray became the focus of attention. Many wanted to know how Jackson could have died so suddenly while under the watchful eye of a physician. Curiosity continued to loom when the Los Angeles County coroner’s office announced that Jackson’s death was a “homicide caused by acute intoxication from the anesthetic propofol” (Blankstein September 16, 2009).
Estranged Labour by Karl Marx
Estranged Labour by Karl Marx intricately describes how the human becomes disconnected from his or her own labor. He describes the overall labor market, and consequences before and after production, as the political economy. This political economy “does not disclose the source of the division between labor and capital, and between capital and land.” Marx describes a climate where those apart of this political economy must search deep to find the answers to questions about the relationship between the worker and his or her labor.
Marx concludes that the worker in this political economy is forced into labor, instead of volunteering. When the worker is forced to work and perform a job he/she dislikes or despises, the worker begins to feel out of their element. Marx states that the only time the worker feels human or free is when he/she is performing routine animal functions. Due to this lack of freedom and autonomy, Marx states, “what is animal becomes human and what is human becomes animal.”
This statement is fully loaded; is Marx saying that we are loosing our humanity? What is animal-like can be described as a human’s basic functions like eating, drinking, procreating, etc., while human functions can be defined as emotional, critical and creative actions. So, if the workers in the political economy humanize their animal traits and de-humanize their human traits, what will be the immediate and long-term effects? In this political economy workers and employers alike transform into a sort-of different species. They no longer use reasoning and emotional capabilities to make decisions (i.e., Maydoff, Enron, Bush, etc.). The majority in this reverse society glorifies the animal actions in life; much pleasure can be found in dining, drinking, bathing, etc. The true creativity and purpose of each human being is methodically suppressed. Marx sees the consequence of this transformation clearly: the human becomes estranged from his/her own humanity, which brings a dark cloud and depression over humanity. “Man’s species being, both nature and his spiritual species property into a being alien to him,” stated Marx. When the majority becomes alien-like, humans become disconnected from one another.